Presentations by Diane S. Sykes
February 2015
Presentation to Fair Housing Council of Oregon: "Discovery in Fair Housing Cases."
October 2014
Oregon State Bar Civil Rights Section/Federal Bar Association: Honoring the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its Living Legacy-Emerging Issues in Fair Housing Discrimination.
September 2014
Oregon State Bar: Notario Fraud Conference-Private Right of Action under the Unlawful Trade Practices Act
August 2014
Oregon Women Lawyers Queen's Bench Luncheon, Presenter: approaching civil rights advocacy from a non-profit, government and private attorney perspective.
November 2013
Future Impacts of the 2013 US Supreme Court Session on Marriage Equality, Search and Seizure, Voting Rights, and Affirmative Action, sponsored by the Federal Bar Association and Oregon State Bar Civil Rights Section- Affirmative Action: Impacts of Fisher v. University of Texas in Oregon, Moderator/Presenter.
September 2013
Oregon Trial Lawyers Association: Litigating a Fair Housing Case.
July 2013
Oregon State Bar Civil Rights Section Brownbag Series: Fair Housing Litigation.
November 2011
Convocation on Equality, Chair of Oregon State Bar Diversity Section, event organizer and MC.
Oregon State Bar Civil Rights Annual CLE: Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) and Foreign-Born Human Trafficking panel presenter.
October 2011
Oregon Women Lawyers Fall Conference: Co-presenter with Professor Anita Hill and Hon. Adrienne Nelson: "Diverse Perspectives: Bringing the Legal Profession into the 21st Century."
September 2011
Oregon State Bar Labor and Employment Section: Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) and Cat's Paw Theory.
July 2011
Oregon State Bar Real Estate and Land Use Conference: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing: Westchester County- A case study on municipal liability under the Federal Fair Housing Act.
November 2009
Oregon State Bar Civil Rights Section: An Eye on Civil Rights: A State and Federal Update on Discrimination, Co-presenter with Attorney General John Kroger.
July 2009
Representing Low-Wage Immigrant Workers on Wage and Hour and Workers Compensation Discrimination Claims, Presenter, sponsored by Oregon State Bar Labor and Employment Section, Oregon State Bar Diversity Section, and Oregon Trial Lawyers Association.
Presentation to Fair Housing Council of Oregon: "Discovery in Fair Housing Cases."
October 2014
Oregon State Bar Civil Rights Section/Federal Bar Association: Honoring the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its Living Legacy-Emerging Issues in Fair Housing Discrimination.
September 2014
Oregon State Bar: Notario Fraud Conference-Private Right of Action under the Unlawful Trade Practices Act
August 2014
Oregon Women Lawyers Queen's Bench Luncheon, Presenter: approaching civil rights advocacy from a non-profit, government and private attorney perspective.
November 2013
Future Impacts of the 2013 US Supreme Court Session on Marriage Equality, Search and Seizure, Voting Rights, and Affirmative Action, sponsored by the Federal Bar Association and Oregon State Bar Civil Rights Section- Affirmative Action: Impacts of Fisher v. University of Texas in Oregon, Moderator/Presenter.
September 2013
Oregon Trial Lawyers Association: Litigating a Fair Housing Case.
July 2013
Oregon State Bar Civil Rights Section Brownbag Series: Fair Housing Litigation.
November 2011
Convocation on Equality, Chair of Oregon State Bar Diversity Section, event organizer and MC.
Oregon State Bar Civil Rights Annual CLE: Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) and Foreign-Born Human Trafficking panel presenter.
October 2011
Oregon Women Lawyers Fall Conference: Co-presenter with Professor Anita Hill and Hon. Adrienne Nelson: "Diverse Perspectives: Bringing the Legal Profession into the 21st Century."
September 2011
Oregon State Bar Labor and Employment Section: Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) and Cat's Paw Theory.
July 2011
Oregon State Bar Real Estate and Land Use Conference: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing: Westchester County- A case study on municipal liability under the Federal Fair Housing Act.
November 2009
Oregon State Bar Civil Rights Section: An Eye on Civil Rights: A State and Federal Update on Discrimination, Co-presenter with Attorney General John Kroger.
July 2009
Representing Low-Wage Immigrant Workers on Wage and Hour and Workers Compensation Discrimination Claims, Presenter, sponsored by Oregon State Bar Labor and Employment Section, Oregon State Bar Diversity Section, and Oregon Trial Lawyers Association.